Bulletproof For BJJ Podcast

Behind the Scenes: Mixing friendship, business & BJJ to make your favourite Podcast.

Subscriber Episode JT & Joey Season 4

Subscriber-only episode

It may be hard to believe but JT & Joey do not live together. They come from very different parts of the Sydney, they are also very different people privately and publicly. This discussion goes deeper on their relationship, their personalities and how this impacts the podcast. From how often they train together to the social dynamic of Joey's private training group the boys open up about how they balance their friendship with business.

Speaker 1:

Wait till you fucking get a machine gun, bro. Don't mean neither bro. Come shoot it on the farm. So JT, getting comfortable in the inner circle here munching away on a wrap bacon, schnitzel, cheese, avo this is special A sprinkling of a herb for veggie group? Yeah, maybe, I mean avocado counts. It's a fruit, isn't it? It is a fruit. We had a question from the group, actually from Bree Specifically. Shout out Bree. Shout out all our pay subscribers who are hearing this. We love you to bits. Why are you looking at the camera, bro? It's not rolling. Oh God, it's just such a habit. Yeah, it is. She's like fuck, that's a lens. Oh, I need to look at it. I got you lens.

Speaker 1:

My narciss said she didn't understand because we talk about different stuff we do. She didn't understand where we live in proximity to each other, because people often think, because usually when they see us, they see us together somehow, whether it be through instagram or youtube or whatever they're like oh, you guys just live in each other's pockets. I have literally had people message me and be like hey man, could you ask? Joey, I'm. He's not here with me, bro. I'm at home Sitting on the toilet right now. Yeah, I'm on the toilet having a Zoom call with him. Actually, no, it was kind of funny that people just assume we're always together and we're not. We actually live reasonably separate, independent lives. I need time between podcast recording days to recover Six days. Hey, JT, don't fucking talk to me until next week. All right, I know, actually, I know I've come to understand it and I can respect it. I got a funny, I can respect it A good old friend of mine he's no longer with us, unfortunately, but classic bloke that I went to school with Paul and I went to school with him and I used to work in a fish shop.

Speaker 1:

We'd sold fresh seafood. That was my job, kind of at the end of school and for the year or two out of school. So I was a fishmonger, cutting up, you know, fresh seafood and stuff and we would have this. I love that. You just called yourself a fishmonger. A fishmonger, yeah, bro, I love that you just called yourself a fishmonger. A fishmonger yeah, Bro, it was all the. You know the apron, the boots, the fucking sharpening knives, scaling oh yeah, scale, fillet, all that shit. Dang D-bone. That's where it started, bro, right, yeah, it was cool. Yeah, yeah, that could be your nickname. That was where I learned to sharpen blades.

Speaker 1:

But we would have this chaotic period at Christmas time. Oh yeah, in Australia it's like people must have seafood at Christmas. Yeah, oysters, people want shit that they never. People are like oh, I want mud crabs, and you're like no one has ordered mud crabs like ever. It's not a thing, yeah, but so it was chaotic, like chaotic to the point where Christmas Eve we would be in the shop from about 3 am. It's not a thing, yeah, but so it was. It was chaotic, like chaotic to the point where christmas eve we would be in the shop from about 3 am, um, and then we'd be there until like 8 pm that night and it would be like that for a couple of days leading up to it, because you're preparing orders and shit. Anyway. It was mad because it was really fucked up. Like we'd go out and get hammered, like we'd do a huge like 20 hour day or whatever, and then go to the pub, get smashed and then get up a couple of hours later.

Speaker 1:

So Australian, so Aussie, right, but where the fuck was I going with that? So my mate Morgz I was talking about rang me. It's Christmas time, right? So people are like, well, let's get social. What's going on?

Speaker 1:

I remember Morg one year, right in the middle of that, and he was like, hey, bro, what's going on? Like, what are you doing? Like what are you up to over the next couple days, and shit. And I was just so in the thick of it and I said, bro, I'm working, don't call me for a week. And he just always remembered that where he was like don't call me for a week, dickhead, and I was like it's a, it's a it's. I'm like it was honest, you know. So it's a little bit like that with the podcast. It can be Don't fucking talk to me for seven days, bro. Oh, I get it.

Speaker 1:

I mean, what people don't understand about Joey is he is an extrovert, introvert, so he has extrovert modes, which is typically work. But I think you know, from what I understand of the good man, he can be more introverted. So he protects his private time. Think so. Does that? Does that make me a bit introverted or is that just like there's a limit to my extrovertedness? No, no, I? I don't know for sure, but from what I just understand of you as a person, you get those people who will just talk your ear off and won't stop talking. I'm one of those people. And then you get people who are you so and you consider yourself extroverted completely. Um, no, not entirely. But right, you know it has its limits.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I also get sick of people, as anyone does. It's generally energy related. If I have good energy, I can keep going. If, if the energy is not as good, I want to chill. But then people who are introverted find social interaction very draining. Yeah, but, as you would know, like if a party is good and you're having a good time and talking with people, the energy can kind of keep going, especially if the MDMA's flowing. Oh yeah, keep it going, dopamine bitch. But they have identified that there's people who are both yes and they have modes, and so for some people at work, they may be more introverted, but you get them in their social circle and they're really chatty, yeah, right. Or vice versa, you get some people at work who are really outgoing but in their private lives keep it more quiet, okay, yeah, it makes sense and it just depends on the person.

Speaker 1:

And I have realized that I can only push your extrovertedness so far. And then you're like you're draining me, bro, yeah, stop. And it's like fair, that's fair. I feel this way sometimes about my sister. Well, I mean, just for the visual there, I don't think. It's like we get to a point. It's like now you're starting to drain me. You're draining me the whole time. It's like a street fighter character and my bar's just going down and down and down. And then it's like, hey, bro TKO, you're on to the next challenger, joey's out, go talk to that car. Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, destroying a family van with my fucking dialogue.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think originally I used to not understand it, but then I have come to meet people who are more extroverted than me. It's hard to fathom, oh fuck. And then I've gone wow, that person is so fucking extra. That's too much. I don't, I can't deal with that like. I can deal with it only up to a point and I don't want to be negative. I don't want to like kill their vibe. I just have to leave. I just can't. I'm like all right, there's a point at which this has a. You know, it's not. It will have a negative effect on me, you know, and I think it's possibly because you have bigger responsibilities than me in terms of, like, family and and business. So I think you.

Speaker 1:

You have already allocated a certain amount of energy to other things, whereas podcast day, for me, is podcast day. It's like it's fucking going all in. Yeah, I'm pushing all the chips on the table, let's fucking go mental. And you're like no man, I don't know, I got other stuff to do today. Like you just go.

Speaker 1:

Can we be more moderate about this? Yeah, I'm much more like a how, how extra can we be? And that? That doesn't always. That's not always simpatico, yeah, and so, as a result, joey and I do have to not live under the same roof and also we're grown men. We're not just like these dudes in their early 20s that just live in a frat house type shit, which people might assume we do.

Speaker 1:

But no, I, um, I grew up in the blue mountains, lived most of my life in Melbourne and have subsequently moved back to the West to be close to my parents who live in the Blue Mountains. So I live in Penrith, which is my place of origin. It's where lads were invented, the Eshays. They grew out of the ground. Uh, people had accidentally left some polo and nautica on the ground and it had kind of seeped into the ground. Didn't start there? Yeah, it didn't start in like red person? Not at all, not at all. If you wanted to get robbed with a trolley pole back in 1996, 1997, by a young man of miscellaneous descent wearing kind of shin high Nike socks, nike TNs, yeah, nautica pants, polo shirt and a hat and a bum bag around their chest, when it wasn't cool and it contained a crack pipe, you had to go to Penrith. Oh right, even though they were all littered throughout Western Sydney. Yeah, and you know it's how it went.

Speaker 1:

But really, being back in Penrith, I'm there for the fam and that means I travel about an hour and 10, sometimes an hour and 45 minutes in here to Botany. So where we're recording this, we're near the airport, we're at the Church of Gaines, jungle Brothers, jungle Botany, I should say. And yeah, so Joe is in more northern, northern suburbs. Is that the direction or no, no, it's west, is it? Yeah, it is. It's yeah like ride top ride. Yeah, it's west, like it's not wet, it's not west in the same. No, it's not, it's like, it's like near west. Because if you, because if you go like you still count as Sydney, yeah, it's still. Well, it's all Sydney. No, yeah, I mean Penrith's in Sydney, western Sydney, it's not Sydney, oh, okay, yeah, I don't think we're in Western Sydney, but, like, the North Shore starts, I believe, at Lane Cove, okay, which is like over a short bridge from gladesville, it's like kind of around the corner. But yeah, gladesville, like, if you're looking at it, it's like you got the city and then if you had west from there, you got roselle, dromoyne, gladesville, ride, paramatta, right, you know blue mountains and shit, eventually, right, so it's on that line.

Speaker 1:

Um, but to give a bit of context for the overseas listeners, you were saying that you so you grew up here in, in sydney, which is the, the city that we're in, which is new south wales, the state, but you moved to melbourne, which is a state below in victoria. Yes, indeed, that's where you were for for the most part and for the early days of bulletproof. That's where you were. Yes, I've always been here in sydney. So now that you've moved back, what so?

Speaker 1:

Blue mountains is like this, um, mountainous region on the west, on the west of the city. It's where Sydney ends, yeah, right, so Sydney ends at Penrith, yeah, okay, in the plains, and then it's the Blue Mountains, and the Blue Mountains is like kind of iconic here. It's called the Blue Mountains because it's full of eucalypt trees which give a blue hue Haze. Yeah, it's the kind of vapor that comes off the eucalypt leaves, yeah, and so the mountains look blue, yeah, instead of green, and it's, uh, it's a beautiful spot, so that. So the blue mountains is like what? 45 minutes from the city, an hour from the city, um, a bit over an hour more, like an hour 10 to get, get to the bottom, yeah, but if you have traffic, yeah, it's much longer. But I mean, look, whatever, it's all, it's all good.

Speaker 1:

I've always, I've always traveled. You know, when I was in the film industry, what they used to call people that lived in western sydney, squinters? Oh, really, yeah, because when they're driving to work in the morning, they're driving east into the sunrise and then when they're driving home, they're into the sunset. There you go, and when I lived in the eastern suburbs, I was like I get it. Yeah, it makes sense. You'll often like, if you're going the opposite way, yeah, you're usually like not eating any traffic and you just see everyone coming from western sydney bank time and they're just like full frontal sun in the face. It's not ideal, it's not ideal. But I mean, now we're called fta brah from the area.

Speaker 1:

Ah, yes, that's where my boy's at bam bam. What's bam bam? Of course tai tuivasa lives ufc fighter. For those who aren't familiar, he's got his brewery in penrith. That's where my boy's at Bam Bam. What's Bam Bam? Of course, taito Iwasa. Taito Iwasa lives UFC fighter. For those who aren't familiar, he's got his brewery in Penrith.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right on, yeah, I mean, he's really put a bit of shine on the area. Huh, yeah, I mean I think he gave lads pride. Yeah, he brought that Western Sydney pride up. But, but I mean, what's that, paulie? Oh, true, number one rugby league team. Yeah, three championships in a row. Thanks Giza, thanks Giza, was it three in a row? Yeah, dude, no one's done that.

Speaker 1:

And then Spanien, of course, shining a bit of light on Western Sydney. Oh, yeah, shining a bit of light on the lad culture. Spanien is more like a Redfern Liverpool cat. He's not, no, that's right, but he's still bringing a bit of shine to that culture. Yeah, it's not culture, it's just fucking stupid thuggery. But sure, why not? He needs more shine. No, he doesn't, he fucking doesn't.

Speaker 1:

So here's the thing we do get together. We usually try and get in regular, get out If we can get together. You know Mondays. You know generate, get, get hard on the content, get hard on the content, go hard on the content. I should have said I can say it, but get excited, I don't know. Sorry, let me rephrase that it's a bit awkward when you try to do kettlebell swings and then, when the opportunity arises, presents. Occasionally we might have a bit of a roll, bit of a role-esco. Yeah, so we get together two days a week Monday to meet and then Wednesdays to record. Yeah, yeah, we train together, not that often. No, it's kind of tricky because you train where you're at with your schedule. I train where I'm at, more sporadic, yeah, sometimes.

Speaker 1:

When did we last roll here? It was the other morning. Just randomly I shot that friendly single on you. It was not a friendly single. I thought he was just coming in for a hug. You always got to be careful. I came in very relaxed. He was coming in for a little single.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no way, jake's here was like boom, snap down. I'm like, oh shit. No, I couldn't not respect the imminent threat of you just putting me on my ass in front of the small group. No, I the imminent threat of you just putting me on my ass in front of the small group. I'm not going to fucking have that Like 7am. I'm like, bro, I don't need this shit in my life. I just came to say hello, you were straight, I was just.

Speaker 1:

I sometimes do, I will sometimes say hello, but then other times I think to myself, ah, the dynamic is wrong, I shouldn't be here. I, the dynamic is wrong, I shouldn't be here, I shouldn't upset this dynamic, because then when I start talking to the other people in the small group, they're resting too long and Joey comes over and goes Pillon, have you done the thing you're meant to be doing? He's like oh yeah, no, I was just shadowboxing and talking to JT. And so then you know, I've actually JT was just depleting my strength bar, I was, I was actually there as a next challenger.

Speaker 1:

Raylene, what's going on? How can I make this harder? Can I push on you? Can I make fun of you somehow, because you are junior to me, somehow? No, it's like I shouldn't have gone into that situation and anyway turned into a friendly cuddle match which put dumb ass grazes on me because we were rolling on, we were moving around on gym tiles, yeah, and that is not friendly to the knees. No, it's a definite way to like get a graze. That could turn into a staph infection, you know, like the bacteria that lives in a rubber gym mat, it doesn't matter how many times you clean it, it's kind of forever. So, anyway, needless to say, I didn't get a staph infection. We could call it a draw. Maybe I won by an advantage. Who knows who is keeping score? So there it is. Um, we get together sometimes, we train together, sometimes quite sporadically, yeah, maybe I hope that paints a bit of a picture, yeah, but anyway, if you weren't sure, now you know. Thanks for tuning in, fam.

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